About me

I am a third year Ph.D. student at Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences in Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). I am advised by Dr. Rui Li at the Lab of Use-inspired Computational Intelligence (LUCI). I am currently researching in the field of Continual Learning. Before this, I spent 2.7 years as a Machine Learning Engineer at Fusemachines in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Research Interests

  • Machine Learning: Continual Learning, Test-Time Adaptation, Federated Continual Learning
  • Computer Vision: Object Segmentation, Re-identification, Tracking, Action Recognition

Please, find my CV here.


  • (May 2024): Our paper entitled “Bayesian Adaptation of Network Depth and Width for Continual Learning” got accepted in ICML 2024.
  • (May 2023): Successfully defended and passed my Research Potential Assessment (RPA).
  • (Aug 2022): Joined RIT for Ph.D. in Computing and Information Sciences as a Graduate Research Assistant.
  • (Jan 2022): Promoted to Machine Learning Engineer Level III at Fusemachines.
  • (Jan 2021): Instructed an undergraduate course “Mathematics for AI”, covering Linear Algebra, Multivariate Calculus, Probability, Statistics and Information Theory.
  • (Jan 2021): Received promotion to Machine Learning Engineer Level II at Fusemachines.
  • (Sep 2019): Joined Fusemachines as a Machine Learning Engineer Associate.
  • (Sep 2019): Graduated with Bachelor’s in Computer Engineering from Pulchowk Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
  • (Jan 2019): Joined Leapfrog Technology as AI intern for 6 months.
  • (Jan 2018): Shortlisted for Fusemachines AI Fellowship and fuseAI Scholarship.